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About Us




Lanalee was born and raised on the Eastern side of Canada in a small town on the mainland called Pinware, Labrador. Lanalee’s journey began at a young age, while having the typical childhood of school, always outside playing and on the high school volleyball team, Lanalee was also quite often in and out of hospitals for all of her childhood. Continually being mentored for medial diagnoses, undergoing surgeries and being told by medial professionals that she would be incapable of performing physical activity like the regular teenager. After undergoing her last medical procedure on her heart at age of 14 (in grade 10), when she was told she wouldn’t be as capable as the rest in PhysEd, this motivated her to give it all she got, winning the ‘female athlete of the year’ in grade 11. 


For the pass 14+ years Lanalee has been living on the Western side of Canada, where she absolutely loves, in Fort McMurray, Alberta. Lanalee’s journey really begun when she discovered resistance training & the importance healthy eating at the age of 19 while she was training for runway modelling and performed in Vancouver at Faces West. In 2012 Lanalee has attended Keyano College to pursue a degree in Physical Education on path towards being a PhysEd Teacher. In the process, Lanalee has fell so in love with exercise and healthy eating, that she had dreams of one day owning her own business to help others live a healthy lifestyle. In 2015 when finishing at Keyano and having to be transferred to Edmonton’s UofA, Lanalee has instead pursued her Personal Training Certificate and made her dream come true, starting her own small business in November 2016 which was then called Fit Balanced Lifestyle. Since then Lanalee has went on to get multiple other certificates in the world of training and nutrition.

Over the years Lanalee has had the opportunity to have worked with highly experienced mentors in the athletic sport field. Lanalee now has over half decade of experience under her belt training novice to high performance varsity level athletes. She has also provided dryland training to over a dozen different sports including Keyano Huskies, Jr. Oil Barons, Noralta Figure Skating, NorFort, Oil City Hawks, just to name a few. She has also ran Keyano College EMT fitness program, and performed Fire Physical Testing for the Fort McMurray Fire Department. Lanalee has trained hundreds of athletes of all variety and levels, as well as ran a ‘Fit to Run’ program for the Fort McMurray Marathon hosted by MacDonald Island Park. 

Lanalee has trained hundreds of one on one personal clients towards a more healthier, sustainable, active lifestyle. In 2019 Lanalee was honoured to be awarded by Fort McMurray’s “Best of the Best YMM” Personal Trainer of the year in “My McMurray Magazine”. Then in 2021 for the second time running Lanalee’s business was again voted number one for the Best Personal Trainer of the year. Everyday that passes, Lanalee’s love for what she does only grows stronger, she is consistently educating herself, becoming more knowledgeable for her clientele and always practicing what she preaches.

“There isn’t anything in this life I can imagine wanting to do more than what I am currently doing. My health is my number one priority, as well as everyone is my hands.”

In 2014 and 2015 Lanalee has also went pass her limits and explored the bodybuilding world competing in the bikini category for the Alberta Bodybuilding Association, taking home second place at her first show qualifying for Provincials.

Lanalee’s main Moto behind her business is, if we want to live our best most healthiest life we must find ways to do it that we can enjoy and sustain. Lanalee is a huge advocate of a whole food way of eating, as natural and as unprocessed as we can get, a well balanced exercise regime of something we enjoy, making exercise and diet fit into the lifestyle we have now. She leads the way of a healthy lifestyle, and helps her clients reach their goals and find a path that THEY enjoy and can sustain.




  • Keyano college/UofA variety of Physical Education and Nutrition courses (3 years worth) I was going for BPE but only completed half of it due having high interest in pursing personal training and opening my own business. However what I have learned half of this degree is a huge part of my knowledge as I have a lot learned a lot from Sport Injury, Sport Management, Psychology (in human behaviour), Basic Fundamentals of Training, Exercise Science, Biology, Physiology, Anatomy, Nutrition 101, Sport & Disabilities (working hands on with autistic kids in sport) and additional English courses
  • ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
  • ISSA Strength and Conditioning Coach
  • ISSA Fitness Nutrition
  • ISSA Marathon Training 101
  • ISSA Elite Trainer
  • Currently in school for Registered Holistic Nutritionist Diploma at Canadian School of Natural Nutrition
  • First Aid (CSA Intermediate) Level C CPR and AED



We believe everyone should have the opportunity to experience what it is like to be fit and healthy. We don’t believe in being fit for weekly, monthly or even yearly periods of time, we only believe in making this new journey a lifestyle. One that is really enjoyable and easy to sustain!

I always love to say, if we want permeant results, we must be willing to make permeant changes, but in order for us to stick to those changes it MUST be something we ENJOY. I help my clients find the path forward that best suits them, no more bouncing from diet to diet, going to any extremes, or doing things they dread. I try my best to make it their last stop and finally turn health and fitness into a lifestyle!




We believe everyone should have the opportunity to experience what it is like to be fit and healthy. We don’t believe in being fit for weekly, monthly or even yearly periods of time, we only believe in making this new journey a lifestyle. One that is really enjoyable and easy to sustain!


Learn how to make nutrition work for YOU! Learn the ins and outs of healthy eating, discover ways to stay on track and NEVER restrict again!

Healthy Living

Learn how to make health a new way of living, creating the lifestyle that you can sustain, with enjoyment and purpose!

Body & Mind

Learn other lifestyle practices aside from diet and exercise to complement this new journey you’re on.


Discover the way of physical fitness that YOU enjoy most! So you never have to dread a workout again!