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Curious about Plant Based food/meal ideas?

Intrigued and want to incorporate more plant based/vegan style into your life?

Here is a very popular and common plant based option, TEMPEH!

***Don’t know how to use tempeh?

Well, here is a really quick and easy way to make a meal out of it! I LOVE this meal and make it 3-4 times a week!

•bread of choice
•1/2 block tempeh
•Vegan cheese (optional – I don’t always add it but when I do the brand is “applewood”)
•veggies of choice (I used sun dried tomatoes, greens, onions)
•sweet mustard
•garlic powder

•Take the block of tempeh out of package and cut in half. Set one half aside for later use in another meal. The other half cut it into 4-5 strips.
•Toast your bread (or not – up to you)
•cut/peel avocado and mash onto your bread!
•Then add your garlic powder and all veggies of choice & your condiment!

Boom! Quick easy way to use tempeh lol. Get creative and add whatever you like to your sandwich.

I just wanted to show you ONE way I use tempeh. There are many other ways I use it and I will do some post later on different ways!

***It’s vegan!…

So… BRO!

Where do you get your protein?! ??

This meal has 30 GRAMS OF PROTEIN!!! Far more than enough for a meal.

AND it also has 18 GRAMS OF FIBER!

Enjoy! Try it and let me know how you like it♥️ it’s one of my favourite quick go-to’s!

Are you a night time snacker?

I AM! Lol. And this gets me excited to come home to at the end of my work shift! Packed with fibre, protein & LOTS of nutrients!! Read below for the recipe!


?30 grams chia seeds

?Sweetener of choice 

?1 cup milk alternative 

??Mix together and let sit in fridge for 5-6 hours! 

You can also leave it overnight as well and have it for breakfast!

Take out, stir and mix in your favourite toppings! – I used berries, 1/2 serving of Kind granola and 1 tbsp pure maple syrup!




This homemade jam is super quick, so healthy and mouth watering delicious!



  • Added sugar
  • Zero preservatives
  • Zero additives


  • Fiber
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals


For this recipe I have used Cranberries, but keep in mind you can use ANY fruit you want! I also make it with frozen strawberries or blueberries!

Because I used cranberries in this recipe, I opt in to use some stevia as a little extra sweetness because cranberries can be quite bitter! But if I use a different more sweeter berry such as strawberries, I do not need to use stevia.


  • 8oz cranberries
  • 45 grams whole chia seeds
  • 1-2 tsp stevia (or any sweetener of your choice – but it is also optional)
  • 1.5 cup of water


In a pot on the stove (medium heat) add cranberries and 1/2 cup of water and let it soften to a jam like consistency. You want to be mixing it occasionally to make sure it doesn’t stick. Once it is the consistency that you like remove from heat and add to a bowl. Then mix in remaining water (1 cup), your sweetener and chia seeds, mix together and place in your favourite jam jar! I would recommend letting it cool on the counter for 30 minutes or so then placing in the fridge.

Enjoy anytime on your favourite slice of bread or even have a dollop of it in your morning bowl of oatmeal!

Packed with fiber, micronutrients, no extra add sugar, and low calorie! This will keep you full, satisfy your sweet tooth & bring back memories of a good old PB&J (but a healthier version ?)

ENJOY! And Please Tag Me if you decide to make it, love seeing your creations!

Much Love,

Lana ??


This simple, healthy, and delicious recipe is not only great for the holiday season but great for any time of the year, and it even can be a part of your weekly meal prep as a sweet treat each day with a cup of tea :)! 

With only six ingredients, this whole food plant-based recipe will have coming back for more!

? Baked Apple Crumble


  • 1 cup oatmeal
  • 1/2 cup oat flour (I just grounded 1/2 cup oats) 
  • 2 cups pitted Medjool dates
  • 2-3 apples (two if large, three if they’re medium)
  • 1 TBSP apple spice mix (or a pinch of cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, etc.. those warm spicy spices ?)
  • 1/2 cup water
  • Pinch of salt


  • Preheat oven to 400f 
  • Heat a saucepan on medium & add a touch of water.
  • Cut up apples into small pieces & add to saucepan. Sauté on med-low heat (~4) until golden – adding a little water as needed as you go, so it doesn’t burn/stick.
  • Take dates & add them to a high-powered blender with 1/3 cup water (or as much as you need to get it blended) should be a thick syrup-like consistency. 
  • ***Note, if you do not have a blender or food processor, use the stovetop and melt the dates. 
  • Once the date mixture is blended, add it to the saucepan with the apples & mix. 
  • Take date/apple mixture, spread it on an oven-safe baking dish, and set aside.
  • Take all dry ingredients and mix, then add 1/2 cup of water and mix. It should be a “crumbly” mixture.
  • Then add it equally over the top of the date/apple mixture. 
  • Bake in the oven for 30 minutes! 

Serve & Enjoy!

P.S. Add any toppings you like! Cool whip, ice cream, anything!

My favorite topping is just frozen bananas blended with a pinch of unsweetened soy milk and a drop of vanilla extract! 

Lacking motivation to workout after the holidays? Struggling to get your butt back into gear?

Well, give my “Filthy Fifty” workout a try!

It is 10 Exercises for 50 Reps Each! 

**Time yourself to see how long it takes you, take note, then next time try to beat your time!

Here is the workout written below (and of course it is in the video above!)

  1. Squat w/press
  2. Wall balls
  3. Mountain climbers
  4. Broad jumps
  5. Breakdancer
  6. Renegade row
  7. Walking reverse lunge w/ hold
  8. Med ball slams
  9. Alternating lateral lunge
  10. Burpee (Everyone’s favourite lol)

Of course you can modify/change out exercises to match your fitness level and liking!

Give it a try, and if you do… TAG ME! 🙂

Have Fun & Happy Training!




Holiday’s/Events/(Even weekends lol) can be daunting to some people regarding their nutrition & fitness goals. However, this does not have to be the case. To keep this short & sweet, I want to give you some tips that work for me during these special times to help me stay on track.

***I made a video going over more in depth on my tips if you would rather watch that! And for further understanding, keep reading below! [Stick to the end of the video for some bloopers LOL]

# 1 The most beneficial thing that helps the most is having my meals or healthier alternatives prepared! I still enjoy MORE treats than usual because, well, it’s the holidays ??‍♀️ but I don’t make it the center of attention. I keep my eye on the long-term goal & indulge AFTER I have eaten my planned meals.

# 2 Stick to some of your everyday routine! Don’t go completely off track and give up all the things you do now. If you are someone who meals preps, then instead of not doing it at all, maybe plan the meals where you know you’ll be eating like normal at home, such as breakfast or snacks. Have a healthier food fore center where you can easily see and grab your counter or eye level in the fridge. Still wake up simultaneously, get your water in as soon as you wake, still get your exercise in.

# 3 Move your body!!! Get your exercise in! It’s okay to take a step back, go a little off track with your regular exercise plan, or not attend the gym as much. But whenever possible, let’s try to move our bodies as much as we can! Even if that is getting your steps in, parking further away when going somewhere, or simply suggesting doing extra tasks around the house to keep active!

# 4 WATER. Drink it. LOTS. Water is a hard one in general (from what I see through my work). Still, it is SO IMPORTANT, especially when drinking or eating unusual foods more. Fill up a water bottle and keep it with you! Aim for around 1 cup every 30 minutes or so.
EAT YOUR VEGGIES! Alongside getting your water intake in, another crucial tip is to eat your vegetables and fruit! It helps with vital functions inside of our bodies but also helps to keep us full, satiated, and less chance of us going nuts on those cookies at a gathering, lol. It would be best not to neglect these vital tips because it is the holidays.

# 5 DON’T STRESS! Please don’t feel guilty, do everything with intention and enjoy it all to the fullest. Suppose you were previously on a weight loss journey during the holidays. In that case, it will be better for you to focus more on ‘maintaining’ your current weight instead of losing it. By consuming potentially more alcohol, more salty, fatty, sugar-filled foods over the holidays, there will be more water retention and maybe feelings of ‘bloat.’
Tomorrow is a new day; carry on as you always do! Do things mindfully, with intention, and most importantly, enjoy yourself! If you have a few days where you go off-track even more than intended, then that is okay.

# 6 Last but not least, IT’S NOT AN ALL OR NOTHING APPROACH!
Just because you over-indulged during the holidays doesn’t mean you blew everything you worked hard to achieve over the last X amount of months! You most certainly should indulge here and there and enjoy it! Just because the weekend was a ‘write-off’ for your usual routine doesn’t mean the rest of the week has to be! What you do on a CONSISTENT day-to-day basis is far more critical than what you do on a few days over the holidays.

Okay, my lovelies! These things help me stay on track during the holidays, and I hope they can help you as well! Consistency is # 1 IMO. As long as you’re consistent year-round, double indulging over the holidays for a few days won’t hinder any progress. Enjoy yourself but keep to somewhat of a healthy routine. Cheers ?

Much love,

Your healthy Mentor Coach,

Lana ??

Ingredients & Directions 

  • Collard Greens (I made 4)

-Start by cutting off the end (bottom of stem) of the collard green.

-Pre boil water then set it medium low.

-Place collard green leaf (1 by 1) in water for around 10 seconds per side. **(SEE PHOTO BELOW!)**



-When collard green is a little softer, place on cutting board and “ sliver” off the inside of stem (as shown in photo) this makes it easier to wrap! **(SEE PHOTO BELOW!)**



Filling that I used for 4 wraps was

  • -1/2 cup dry farro cooked (2 servings) – OR use any whole grain that YOU like!
  • -1 can BPA FREE 398ml black beans – OR any legume that YOU like!
  • -1/2 large purple onion
  • -4 garlic gloves
  • -1 cup chopped fresh parsley (typically would be cilantro but I only had parsley)
  • -Dash of pink salt to taste

Mix all of the “filling” together, then place even amounts on to each collard green and start wrapping! 

On the side add some salsa & avocado

*Note – you can add the salsa and avocado inside of the collard green, but I just prefer to have it out, as I pre make these for days in advance & don’t want the avocado to sit inside for days!*


  • 789 Cal | 149 C | 5 F | 38 P | 35 FIBRE

 MACROS FOR ONE (I made 4 servings) 197 Cal | 37 C | 1 F | 10 P | 9 FIBRE !


Make a batch up for the week – Make 10-20 at a time and you have a great snack!! Your microbiome will THANK YOU! Because this is what they LOVE to eat – and remember they are 10 X MORE PLENTIFUL IN OUR BODIES THEN WE ARE! You take care of them, and in return they will take care of you!

Looking for a family night meal idea? A fast-food replicated healthy option?…

A guilt free meal you can eat EVERY.SINGLE.DAY?!
(Without the free pass for our # 1 leading killer? – heart disease…)

Ingredients; (Makes 4)

2 Cups black beans

1 Cup oatmeal

1/2 purple onion

3/4 Cup mushrooms

1 tbsp flax seeds

2 tsp miso paste

1 tbsp nutritional yeast

2 tbsp tahini

Spices of choice!


Mix all ingredients together in a blender or food processor, once mixed scoop out and mould together into even “burger patties” (note you may have to wet your hands while moulding or use a wet spatula) and bake in a pre-heated oven on 375 for 30-35 minutes 🙂

 ALSO in the meantime you could already have your sweet potato “FRIES” chopped up and seasoned and ready to pop in the oven alongside of your burgers! For the fries this is what I have done…

I just cut up 1 Sweet Potato into ‘fry’ like shapes, added 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar & spices to a bowl, whirl around & then place in a PRE-heated oven on 400F and bake for 30-40 minutes!

FOR THE “BUN” I used a Portabella mushroom! With the mushrooms I drizzled it in balsamic vinegar & roasted it in the oven at the end when the burger was done while waiting for them to cool off!

FOR MY TOPPINGS – I used avocado mashed up, arugula, some marinara sauce and a little mustard! Of course, use whatever toppings you like! – However I would recommend a fat source (such as a healthy one like avocado) as a topping of choice, due to the burgers itself being very low fat! – So you want some Healthy Fats in there also to help your body take in all the nutrients 

MACROS FOR THE ENTIRE BATCH (in case you wanted to make more or less then 4 burgers – OR you can make a bunch of minis and call them “MEATBALLS”)

 Macros entire batch (NOT including fries); 1144 Calories | 169 C | 32 F | 60 P | 35 Fibre

As mentioned, this is for the entire batch of burgers. I have made FOUR, but you can make as many as you like! You can easily get 6 burgers out of this as they are very hearty and filling! Or made SMALL “Meatballs” of 12-16!

You can also make these days in advance for your MEAL PREP! 

Get creative & enjoy! 🙂





?3/4 CUP OAT FLOUR (I just took a cup of rolled oats and made it into flour)

?1 SCOOP @allmaxnaturals#ISOTRU (optional, but will add extra protein!)





?1/2 WATER (yes additional to the 1/3 listed above)


?Pre heat oven to 350 F

?Mix together in a blender or food processor dates and 1/3 Cup water (if you have neither processor or blender – add the water and dates to a pot on the stove and stir until melted/a thick syrup like consistency)- set this aside as it will be the “filling”.

Separately in another bowl mix together all other DRY ingredients then add the peanut butter & the other 1/2 cup of water. Mix will (maybe even mix with your hands, as yes, the mix should be more “dry”/“crumbly”.

?I used a silicone muffin pan and my batter made EIGHT DATES. I just took equal parts of my batter and lined the bottom of 8 muffin holes, then I scooped out equal parts of the date filling and placed them on all 8 “batter bottoms” then I took more batter (equal parts) and add it to the top!

?Bake in oven on 350F for 20 minutes!

DELICIOUS, NUTRIENT PACKED SNACK! High fibre, high potassium, iron filled, & GOOD FOOD FOR OUR GUT BACTERIA! & PLEASE DON’T be scared of the “Sugar” in the dates. They are crazy healthy for us! Especially for our ♥️ & ? (heart and colon) lol.


I have made 8, so the MACROS for ONE are as follows;

194 Calories | 29 C | 5 F | 7 P | 4 Fibre!

Mine are HUGE DATES “CIRCLES” lol so feel free to make yours smaller to lessen the calories, or just to make smaller portions!

MACROS FOR THE ENTIRE BATCH; 1548 Cal | 235 C | 41 F | 59 P | 34 Fibre