Lacking motivation to workout after the holidays? Struggling to get your butt back into gear?
Well, give my “Filthy Fifty” workout a try!
It is 10 Exercises for 50 Reps Each!
**Time yourself to see how long it takes you, take note, then next time try to beat your time!
Here is the workout written below (and of course it is in the video above!)
- Squat w/press
- Wall balls
- Mountain climbers
- Broad jumps
- Breakdancer
- Renegade row
- Walking reverse lunge w/ hold
- Med ball slams
- Alternating lateral lunge
- Burpee (Everyone’s favourite lol)
Of course you can modify/change out exercises to match your fitness level and liking!
Give it a try, and if you do… TAG ME!
Have Fun & Happy Training!